We come across many people who have extensive collections, but lately we hit an all time record - 329 pictures and objects. The latter included a few items we'd not seen before, such as American peace pipes and bows and arrows, as well as those more familiar, such as didgeridoos, spears, and carved masks.
The owners had travelled extensively and lived overseas, and in time collected many pictures and mementos of the places they’d been.
Now it was time to retire and settle, and did they have a monster number of items to go up.
Luckily for us, they were happy to spread the work over several sessions. And wisely, had pre-sorted their items by geographic areas and type.
Now they can search the globe just by standing in the middle of the house, and turning their heads: that way is Oceania, this way is the Americas, just down the hall is Europe.
So if you have lots of items, don't worry - if you love them all, we can find a place for them in your home.